JuicyAds API v1.0 ------ Overview The JuicyAds API v1.0 can be used by both Advertisers and Publishers to automate the following tasks. Advertisers 1. Retrieving a list of the Advertiser's Campaigns, and their current settings. 2. Activating and Deactivating and Advertiser's Campaigns. 3. Retrieving an Advertiser's Statistics for specific Campaigns by Date, Country and Site ID. Publishers 1. Retrieving a Publisher's Statistics by Date, Country and Site ID. ------ The URL for all JuicyAds API requests is https://api.juicyads.com. Please note that only HTTPS requests are supported. ------ All dates must be provided and are returned in the short variant of the ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DD ------ All error messages will have a standard format consisting on an error code and appropriate error message. Example - {"code":4xx,"message":"Error Message"} ------ PopUnder Advertiser Methods campaigns GET - /campaigns/popunders/{token} Description: Returns a list of all PopUnder Campaigns associated with the users account. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"id":"12345","campaign_name":null,"buyer_id":"1234","accepted_countries":"US","daily_max":null,"daily_max_reached":"0","url":"https:\/\/www.test.com","amount":"0.0012","throttle":"100","active":"1","suspend":"0","hide_campaign":null,"lockdate":"0000-00-00","last_active":null,"last_modified":null}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized statistics GET - /statistics/popunders/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date} Description: Returns statistics for a specific PopUnder Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by Date. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"thedate":"2017-01-01","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/popunders/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date}/country Description: Returns statistics for a specific PopUnder Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by County Code. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"country_code":"US","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/popunders/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date}/site Description: Returns statistics for a specific PopUnder Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by Site ID. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"site_id":"123456","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found Mobile Redirect Advertiser Methods (deprecated) campaigns GET - /campaigns/mobile/{token} Description: Returns a list of all Mobile Redirect Campaigns associated with the users account. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"id":"12345","campaign_name":null,"buyer_id":"1234","accepted_countries":"US","daily_max":null,"daily_max_reached":"0","url":"https:\/\/www.test.com","amount":"0.0012","throttle":"100","active":"1","suspend":"0","hide_campaign":null,"lockdate":"0000-00-00","last_active":null,"last_modified":null}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized statistics GET - /statistics/mobile/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date} Description: Returns statistics for a specific Mobile Redirect Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by Date. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"thedate":"2017-01-01","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/mobile/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date}/country Description: Returns statistics for a specific Mobile Redirect Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by County Code. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"country_code":"US","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/mobile/advertiser/{token}/{campaign-id}/{start-date}/{end-date}/site Description: Returns statistics for a specific Mobile Redirect Campaign by Campaign ID grouped by Site ID. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"site_id":"123456","spend":"12.3456","imps":"123456"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found PopUnder Publisher Methods statistics GET - /statistics/popunders/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date} Description: Returns Publisher's PopUnder statistics grouped by Date. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"thedate":"2017-01-01","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/popunders/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date}/country Description: Returns Publisher's PopUnder statistics grouped by Country Code. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"country_code":"US","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/popunders/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date}/site Description: Returns Publisher's PopUnder statistics grouped by Site ID. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"site_id":"123456","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found Mobile Redirect Publisher Methods (deprecated) statistics GET - /statistics/mobile/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date} Description: Returns Publisher's Mobile Redirect statistics grouped by Date. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"thedate":"2017-01-01","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/mobile/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date}/country Description: Returns Publisher's Mobile Redirect statistics grouped by Country Code. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"country_code":"US","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found GET - /statistics/mobile/publisher/{token}/{start_date}/{end_date}/site Description: Returns Publisher's Mobile Redirect statistics grouped by Site ID. URL Params: {token} - Required - The Authorization Token {campaign-id} - Required - The Campaign ID {start-date} - Required - The Starting Date of the Date Range {end-date} - Required - The Ending Date of the Date Range Success: Response Code - 200 Example - [{"site_id":"123456","total":"12345","paid":"12.345"}] Error Codes: 401 - Unauthorized 404 - Page not found